From: "Deborah Walker" 

Subject: Article Submittal for your professional association
Date: Thursday, October 23, 2003 6:57 PM

Tuesday, October 21, 2003
Society of Broadcast Engineers, inc. Newsletter Article Submittal

Hello :

If your local or national members of, Society of Broadcast Engineers, inc., would
benefit from the following career-related article, please feel free to publish in your
association's news letter, e-zine or website.
Permission to print intact including ending attribution box.

Category: career and job-search tips
Title: Are You a Job Search Hermit?

Are You a Job Search Hermit?

If you're experiencing an extended job search, chances are you've been through
several hills and valleys: days of optimism followed by days of discouragement.

One symptom of this job search discouragement is the tendency to avoid other people.
This is what I call the  hermit  phase, where proactive search efforts are set aside in
favor of hunkering down in front of the computer, spending fruitless hours going
through online job sites.  As dull as this activity is, it at least it prevents
the job seeker from hearing rejection.

The problem is that avoiding people only prolongs the period of discouragement.  The
longer one remains in  hermit  mode, the longer the job search drags on and the
downward cycle continues.

The fact is, the more people you interact with, the more you'll hear about positions in
the  hidden  job market.  Everyone, whether employed or unemployed, is connected to
some form of information grapevine.  The more people you meet with during the week,
the better your chances of learning about positions that haven't even hit the job boards
or classified ads yet.  The shortest route to any hiring manager's door is through the
recommendation of others.

Think back over the last couple weeks.  If you've had less than six opportunities
to mix with people outside of your home, it's probably time to force yourself into
networking situations.

If you're stuck on where to start getting out again, your local newspaper is a good place
to start looking.  Most likely, your paper's business section publishes business events
or professional workshops on a daily or weekly basis.  Scour these listings to identify
which events could most likely put you eye-to-eye with good networking sources.

If you're not yet connected with a professional association, this is a great time to search
out active, local groups where you'll meet people who can introduce you to influential
hiring managers.  Look for associations whose leaders are well connected with your
target industry.

For casual, low-stress networking, health clubs or fitness centers are a great way to
meet potential networking contacts.  Chances are you could use the exercise anyway!
Choose early morning or late evening times for your workout, when you're most
likely to meet employed members.  A game of handball could lead to a discussion on upcoming
job opportunities.

If you attend a church, synagogue or house of worship, this would be a great time to
get involved with your organization's activities.  Working alongside your fellow
members will not only lift your spirits as you participate in worthwhile activities, but
you'll also build trusting friendships with those eager to pass along helpful job leads.

Another great network-building source is volunteer work.  Whatever your personal or
professional passions are, there are nonprofit organizations that would value your
knowledge, expertise and ambition.  If you approach volunteer opportunities with a
serve first  attitude, you will naturally attract individuals willing to help further your
career ambitions as well.

If you make it part of your job-search priorities to stay connected with people on a
regular basis, you'll find the days of discouragement are fewer while the potential
career opportunities multiply.

Deborah Walker, CCMC
Resume Writer ~ Career Coach
You'll find more of Ms. Walker's career and job-search articles at
Email her at
Phone: 888-828-0814

Thank you

Deborah Walker, CCMC