Chapter Meeting Report
Date of Meeting-Jan 14, 2003   Meeting Place-Spot Restaurant- Binghamton, NY
Chapter No.- 1    Location- Binghamton, NY
Presiding Chairman- James Pratt
Total Attendance- 13   SBE Members- 6    SBE Certified- 0     Guests- 7
Meeting started at 12:32 PM.

Secretary's Report-
Reading of the Dec16th minutes was accepted as read.

Treasurers Report-
Accepted as stated. Chapter 22 sent a thank you check for our time at the SBE 22 Regional Convention in the amount of $XXX.00. SBE rebate check should be issued in July.

Old Business-
1] The February luncheon meeting will be at 12:00 noon at the Spot Restaurant, upper Front St. in Binghamton, NY.
2] Tom Siglin will be inquiring about satellite radio program for March.
3] SBE Certification discs will be further BETA tested for Windows 95, 98 and XP reliability.
4] The Tom Siglin "Almost never rain SBE Chapter 1 picnic" will be in July.

New Business

Adjournment at 12:42 PM

PROGRAM: Fellowship