Chapter Meeting Report

Date of Meeting- April 9, 2002 Meeting Place- JL Video–Johnson City, NY

Chapter No.- 1 Location- Binghamton, NY

Presiding Chairman- James Pratt

Total Attendance-7 SBE Members- 4 SBE Certified- 0 Guests- 3



Meeting started at 8.12 PM.

50/50 Raffle Tom Siglin won and donated the $2.00 to Chapter 1.

Secretary’s Report-

Reading of March 12th minutes was accepted as read.

Treasurers Report-

No report

Old Business-
1] Certification disks have been received. Those needing certification testing in the month of June need to apply with Gino Riccardelli no later than the end of April. Tom Silglin would be able to help out in distribution of disk(s) to all current SBE members.

2] Election committee will take names of anyone willing to become an officer. Elections to be held next month. We will post the nominating committees report to the web site and to the e-mail mailing. If a SBE member is unable to attend May’s meeting, we ask them to fill out the ballot and return the best way possible to the secretary- Scott Phillips.

New Business-

1] May’s supper location will be at The Country Buffet in Vestal, NY. Dave Allen will check with Video Sound in Ithaca for next months program. Jim Pratt to check for a back up program with station WLTB.

2] The June meeting will be a luncheon at Denny’s Diner, at 12 PM noon. July’s meeting will be the annual "never rain" picnic at Tom Siglin’s residence.

3] The thank you letter sent from SBE Chapter 22 to Chapter 1 for helping out with the past SBE convention was reread. Of interest was the statement that SBE 30th anniversary will again be held at the Turning Stone Casino, September 22nd (a Thursday). Chapter 22 has been asked to spot light our very own Chapter 1 as the founding chapter and to be part of the celebration of 30 years. Discussion followed on how to obtain the best attendance from our members.

Meeting adjourned at 8:48 PM

PROGRAM: Andy LaViola from JL Video Productions gave a presentation on duplication procedures and the new concepts / future services for technologies that will be available for the broadcaster, consumer and business sectors.