Chapter Meeting Report

Date of Meeting-April 11, 2006

Meeting Place- National Weather Service Office at the Greater Binghamton Airport

Chapter No. 1 Location- Binghamton, NY

Presiding Chairman- James A. Pratt

Total Attendance- 8 SBE Members-5 Guests-3


Meeting started at 7:58 pm.

50/50 Raffle of  was won by Larry Brown and donated his winnings to our chapter.

Secretary’s Report- recall by memory of the March meeting

A check of $300 from Chapter 22 was presented by Steve Miller for Chapter One's help

during the September 2005 Expo in Verona NY

Treasurers Report-

$X,XXX This includes proceeds from the raffle and the Chapter 22 check.

Old Business-

Steve Miller  gave a report on the EAS conference that he attended on April 7, 2006

New Business-

1] An email will be sent, for a poll of members to consider another day of the week that might prove more provident.
Staying with the current Tuesday meeting day or moving the meeting day to Thursday was suggested.

2] May’s meeting will be presented by Ken Dillard from Statmon Technologies at WSKG

3] June’s meeting is a possible tour of  McIntosh Labs

4] July will again be the “Almost Never Rain Picnic” at Tom Siglin’s house in Vestal, NY. Please bring a dish to pass.

5] Tom Siglin has been working on “youth” and “student” fellowships that SBE Chapter 1 could contribute to.

Up to 5 students per year could be enrolled to the first year SBE membership. Chapter 1 would pay the full year membership,
at each entry level, less $1.00.

6] Dave Allen announced a Chapter 140 meeting on April 19, 2006 in Ithaca NY

Adjournment was at 8:08 pm

PROGRAM: Dave Nicosia gave talk on EAS and weather emergencies. A tour of the NWS facilities followed.

Minutes submitted by James A. Pratt