Chapter Meeting Report
Date of Meeting-May 13, 2003   Meeting Place-WSKG TV46- Vestal, NY
Chapter No.- 1 Location- Binghamton, NY
Presiding Chairman- James Pratt
Total Attendance- 12   SBE Members- 10   SBE Certified- 2   Guests- 2
Meeting started at 7:43 PM.          Raffle won by Gino Ricciardelli

Secretary’s Report- Reading of the April 8, 2003 minutes was accepted as read.

Treasurers Report- Accepted as stated( $XXX.62 )

Old Business-
1] June 30th SBE mini NAB show to be held at the Spot Restaurant. As we get closer to the date, additional information will be stated. SBE 2 & 22 to be contacted and encouraged to attend.
2] The "Almost never rain SBE Chapter 1 picnic" will be in July at Tom Siglin’s house. We are also inviting our chapter members SBE 2 & SBE 22
3] Scott Phillips spoke on New York State sales tax exemptions for those in the broadcasting and production sector. He will bring in information on this, at the next meeting. Tom  Ichikawa mentioned that there is an New York State exemption on trailer licensing, if the owner has stationery equipment (Ex- power generator ) mounted to the trailer and not hauling anything else.
4] Gino Ricciardelli was recognized for 27 years as frequency coordinator by SBE. The plaque Gino received was passed around for every one to see.

New Business
1] Nominations were received and the tally of votes  has reelected all current officers for the 2003/2004 year term.
Chairman James Pratt
Vice Chairman Tom Siglin
Secretary Scott Phillips
Treasurer Steve Miller
Email Coordinator Abiodun Sadik
Web Site Coordinator James Pratt

Adjournment at 8:50 PM

PROGRAM: Andrew Eggers presented a program on SMPTE. The presentation included the history of SMPTE up to the current programs and membership levels that are available.